Tuesday, November 3, 2009


According to the origin of said Telecommunications (telecommunication) derived from the word "Tele" which means "Long" and "Communication" which means "Shipping Information". So Telecommunications is the transmission of information from a distance. Telecommunications became a separate science which continues to grow in line with the human need to communicate with each other wherever they are.

In ancient times distance information presented in the form of short codes that contain a specific meaning and is sent through the sound and visual media such as sound gong, a whistle sound, light, fluttering flags and the like, of course with a very limited range.

In 1844, Samuel Morse (morse code creator engine & telegraph) managed to send the information so far more than 60 km through a stretch of wire from Washington to Baltimore, the United States. From that point on that wire channels so far developed thousands of miles in the United States, especially along the railway as a means of delivery of news via the telegraph system.
In 1849, Antonio Meucci successfully send voice signals over copper wires known as the telephone system. So far, we know that the inventor of the telephone was Alexander Graham Bell, but after a through research and trials conducted in the United States (in 2002) later stated that Antonio Meucci as the inventor stated telephon system.
In 1900, Guglielmo Marconi patented his invention of the telegraph transmission without cables by using radio waves. From now on wireless technology that's developed that is sending information wirelessly.

Continued with the discovery of a television system by John Logie Baird in 1925, launching a satellite into space (Sputnik1 by Soviet/1957, and Echo by USA/1960) then began developing the telecommunications industry throughout the world


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